Time Line / History
Here is a brief summary of my online ministry efforts since 1997
1997 – 2004
Website Development
A course in HTML led me to create a web presence for several organizations. Remember, this was before the days of social media so a website was the only online presence available. I had a hand on the web presence of TempleTime.org, BibleCenterChurch.com, ABC.edu, TSBC.edu, Bible.edu, RogerWhittaker.com and many others.
In April of 2000 I secured the domain WaggonerMedia.com as the base for online ministry.
2004 – Present
I began archiving Bible teaching audio in 2004; of course this was before we even knew what a “podcast” was. As the concept developed, podomatic became the platform of choice. Then in 2011 the entire audio archive and future audio was hosted on WaggonerMedia and became available for subscription via all of the major podcast platforms. Hundreds of sermons, studies and other features can now be accessed via the following:
Drive Time Video
In 2008 I was ready to expand into web-based video. Even though my preaching ministry had been streaming via RealMedia (some of which is archived in the audio podast) I wanted a more purposefully produced video ministry. I began by releasing weekly videos recorded during my drive time.
If you are interested in seeing some samples, go here:
2008 – Present
Social Media
In 2009 it was time to jump into social media. Starting with Twitter and branching out into Facebook, Instagram and YouTube I sought to build my audience by this “new opportunity.” For those who have connected with me via social media – THANK YOU!
Radio Show
From 1998-2008 I was heard occasionally on the live radio broadcasts of Bible Center Church where I served as Senior Associate/Teaching Pastor. From 2008-2010 I was the regular Bible teacher on this broadcast. In January 2011 as I was moving to a new ministry at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, I had the great pleasure to take over the time slot on WCHS radio in West Virginia that for decades was a ministry of Elkview Baptist Church. As of May 2022 we have produced nearly 540 episodes for the WCHS Radio Network. In 2021 I was pleased to introduce a new version of this program for Living The Word Today
2013 – 2020
Recharge Video
With planning beginning in 2011 and growing from lessons learned producing Drive Time Video, I launched short-form Bible teaching Videos that are available via podcast, email subscription, and social media outlets. Nearly 450 have been produced to date.
You can explore all of the Recharge Videos here:
2021 – Present
Living The Word Today
In 2020 I began looking for a way to describe, brand and gather all of my Bible teaching content under one umbrella. After much research and planning the domain LivingTheWordToday was secured and a new website was created.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. It is my prayer that God will continue to bless His people through the ministry of the Word, as we all seek to be “living the Word today!”
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Need additional assistance? Please contact us: LTWT@waggonermedia.com
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