Joy to The World
Pastor Jesse Waggoner is going take us into the Word of God and remind us all of the glorious Savior that God has provided. Often we stop short in our understanding of Christ. He indeed has come to bring peace and light and so much more, but above all, He is the only Savior. The great news is that He can be your Savior as well. Join us as we discover that it is the One sent to save us that brings joy to the world.
Habakkuk – Learning to Live by Faith
A society filled with violence, corruption and despair can cause us to wrestle with our faith in God. 2600 years ago the prophet Habakkuk experienced the same struggle and recorded his discussions with God. In so doing he learned to live by faith. We too can arrive at the same conclusion, and we will as we allow this portion of God’s Word to speak to us.
Right Now – Jesus’ Ministry at God’s Right Hand
Pastor Jesse Waggoner leads a discussion-based Bible study looking at how Jesus is serving His people now. We often focus on the ministry to the point of His resurrection and contemplate His return, but the Bible says much about His activities right now. Plan on being encouraged and motivated as we find out the “right now” of our Savior’s ministry.
Complete Small Group curriculum and discussion.
Jude: Finding Faith’s Foundation
In this free online Bible Study, “Jude: Finding Faith’s Foundation” you will find teaching videos and study guides to lead you verse by verse through this small New Testament book written by one who grew up in Jesus’ household.
Complete Small Group curriculum. Discussion guides and leader helps.
Risen – the word when used in the context of resurrection, in the fullest sense, can only be applied to one Person, for there has only been one that has been resurrected permanently. This is the One we serve, love and trust. In this Bible study we will learn what the resurrection means to us and what it insures for us into eternity future. We are also called to worship the One who is risen indeed!
Angels: Agents of God, Agents of Good
Angels are mysterious, marvelous, misunderstood, and most importantly they are real! References to angels appear nearly 300 times in the Bible yet we still know little about these servants of God. In this study we will learn what God has revealed about angels and what comfort and encouragement we can find in the knowledge of God’s angels.
Be Strong
There are moments when we feel particularly weak, or times when our strength seems to be fading. How can we maintain spiritual health and well being in the midst of life’s challenges? In this seven part Bible study Pastor Jesse Waggoner will show you the biblical means to be strong and to stay spiritually strong.
Every Day
We followers of Jesus love to meet together for worship and service. But if we are honest, there are moments when living for Him is not the foremost matter on our minds. How can we truly bring Him into the moments of our everyday lives? How can we find His presence, grace and help in the days we are living? Coming Soon.
Rise Above
In this six-part study we will study the Psalms of Ascents, which were sung as worshippers would ascend to Jerusalem to worship God. As we look into these amazing songs we will learn how we too can “rise above” the burdens of this life and encounter God’s presence in strength that He will provide to us.
Unknown Servants of God
We, who often feel bullied by the fact that we are unknown and anonymous to the influencers of the world, can take heart as God uses the unknown. In this study we will look at some of the unknown and obscure characters in the Bible and discover that God can use anyone who is available to Him. Be motivated and encouraged as you learn God wants you to connect to His purpose and He wants you to find your purpose in life.
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Living The Word Today
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